Skype Web SDK
The latest developer API for Skype for Business is the Skype Web SDK. The Skype Web SDK provides a whole host of functions to interact with Skype for Business in Office 365. Unlike UCWA 2.0, the SDK feels more complete for Office 365 with abilities such as adding groups. Another difference is it is programmed in JavaScript!
The SDK doesn't need to be installed as it is hosted on a Skype site. All you need to do is add a <script/> tag in the HTML file, as follows:
Like the Unified Communications Web API (UCWA) 2.0, that has been written about in previous blog posts, the Skype Web SDK authenticates users against Skype for Business on Office 365 servers through Azure Active Directory. The pre-requisite in both these cases is to have an Azure AD app configured to allow API access to the Skype for Business app. More information on how this works with Skype Web SDK can be found here, under "App Registration".
To learn more about what's supported in this developer platform or to inspect the matrix of features offered by the Skype Web SDK, check out this page under "Feature support matrix".
The SDK doesn't need to be installed as it is hosted on a Skype site. All you need to do is add a <script/> tag in the HTML file, as follows:
<script src=""></script>This is called bootstrapping the JavaScript libraries hosted at the Skype Web SDK entry point which happens to be
Like the Unified Communications Web API (UCWA) 2.0, that has been written about in previous blog posts, the Skype Web SDK authenticates users against Skype for Business on Office 365 servers through Azure Active Directory. The pre-requisite in both these cases is to have an Azure AD app configured to allow API access to the Skype for Business app. More information on how this works with Skype Web SDK can be found here, under "App Registration".
To learn more about what's supported in this developer platform or to inspect the matrix of features offered by the Skype Web SDK, check out this page under "Feature support matrix".